Every Business Needs A Trusted Advisor


In the event of disputes or legal proceedings, KCAPL's experienced team is well-equipped to represent your interests:

Replies and Document Submissions: We prepare comprehensive replies and compile relevant documents to be filed in response to complaints or notices from allottees or RERA authorities.

• Complaint Filings: Our team can assist in drafting and filing complaints against allottees, if necessary.

• Representation and Appearances: Our legal experts represent you before RERA authorities, conciliation forums, tribunals, and other relevant forums, presenting arguments and handling litigation processes.

• Appeals and Objections: We prepare and file appeals before RERA tribunals, as well as objections and rejoinders to responses submitted by complainants.

• Comprehensive Litigation Support: We offer comprehensive litigation support, handling cases assigned across various forums, including RERA, consumer forums, NCLT, and others.

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